Global Business Intelligence - December 2022
Closing the year 2022 with some articles I found interesting to read and sharing some personal thoughts and opinion. Have a great 2023! Private pension schemes offered in China and managed by various US funds. Still considered a Communist state? Don't think so. "JPMorgan, UBS and others vie for bigger share of China's pension market" - Read HERE H εταιρεία Τουρκικών συμφερόντων @LCWaikiki με σημαντική παρουσία και καταστήματα στην Ελλάδα, παρουσίασε κερδοφορία. - Read HERE Stathis' commentary: "The crypto industry is going through a major crisis. Why? When the blockchain manifesto started circulating between crypto and tech enthusiasts, promising the creation of a new global decentralized financial system, to be built on the ruins of the traditional credit system which collapsed in 2008, it quickly evolved to eventually becoming the same system it was despising. All or most of the exchange money supply from small investors was gathered among few companies, ...