
Προβολή αναρτήσεων από Ιούλιος, 2021

Assorted personal tweets and links - July 2021

''Speculation on  #USA #inflation  walks hand in hand with monitoring closely consumer price index which I believe will increase in the next 1-2 years if economic boost crushes under #COVID19 uncertainty'' - Stathis Kassios Too Much Money Portends High Inflation - Read Here Montenegro starts paying off $1 billion Chinese road loan - Read Here Inequality interest - Read Here ''Which are the top #tech trends now globally? How are they affecting your #industry , #company , #organization ? I believe automation will be key across all industries as it will be combined with advanced connectivity across operational systems. #AI is behind patent filing so will delay to be applied massively'' - Stathis Kassios - Read Here More aggressive regulation of #cryptocurrency markets could make ransom payment more difficult, but the hackers could always resort to anonymized cryptocurrencies. - Read Here Rising food prices across the #world as #inflation hits the door - Rea...