
Προβολή αναρτήσεων από Μάρτιος, 2020

Europe, Covid-19, World Updates

Here is my personal comment on the much discussed eurobond for dealing with Covid-19 after effects in EE and Eurozone economies: '' #Germany saying no to a new eurobond requested by other member countries where Covid-19 is ravaging their economies, proves once again to have very weak memory. In 1953, 20 countries in London, agreed to help Germany with deleting 52% of its post war debt and reformed the rest of debt in accepting long term loans and payments only if Germany secured annual budget surpluses. If this agreement had not taken place, they would still struggle to lift up after WWII. EU is on the brink of dissolution.'' - Stathis Kassios An interesting Chinese proverb which sounds like an oxymoron to my ears amidst this global health crisis: <<Να προβλέπεις το κακό πριν συμβεί. Να βάζεις τάξη πριν ξεσπάσει ταραχή>> - Κινεζική παροιμία, από το βιβλίο της  Stephanie Bessiere Another interesting article via FP (Foreign Policy): The ...

Big Data is the Scientific answer to Global Fake News and Misinformation on Covid-19

Dear readers, I am totally overwhelmed with the quality and quantity of fake news and pseudo-science publications, news, and social media posts, amidst this global health crisis due to Covid-19. I believe that the knowledge generated by Big Data is the proper scientific answer to misinformation and propaganda. Read the graphs in real time, evaluate your sources, think, understand and filter out the noise and nonsense. Here's a list of valid sources to better track all the news and monitor your understanding of this virus: Coronavirus Live Updates :  https://ncov2019.live/?fbclid=IwAR2FVQM7Hr_iGGDod_bQsblgn--xmN-R7ukuvMHcJYrQ1spbB7LhZ-hgjag Coronavirus is our Future :  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fqw-9yMV0sI&fbclid=IwAR3nWroGRZl1aK7jeuc9U23M0QGGZtWKky8X6bXDTo0klj19AA1DBPczHPs A visual history of pandemics :  https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/03/a-visual-history-of-pandemics?fbclid=IwAR1gtkCgUOa19iZK0KviMa3rxj0borxb10Nt4wxdzGkYmuq6FRdPxrL2PHw word...

Adults In The Room

If you have seen this film I welcome your comments. Do you agree with the attitude, tactics, decisions, strict behavior of the Troika, IMF, Brussels, ECB and the Eurogroup towards the Greek government in 2015 and since the outbreak of the Greek economic crisis?  -Stathis Kassios

The nightmare of the Greek Public Debt and a comparison to Argentina

Dear friends, please find below my new article on Greece's Public Debt and a comparison to Argentina . You can read it here: https://apopseis.gr/o-efialtis-tou-dimosiou-chreous-argentini-ke-ellada/ - Stathis Kassios You can also read the previous article I wrote on Greece's Public Debt here:  https://apopseis.gr/o-efialtis-tou-dimosiou-chreous/