
Προβολή αναρτήσεων από Ιούλιος, 2019

The Great Hack

Recently watched the documentary film ''The Great Hack'' which was pretty good I think as it raises important questions about the endless personal data we provide online as individuals and internet users of web platforms and consumers-contributors of social media. Questions about who owns our personal data, who has access to these data, how third parties exploit our online data in order to benefit economically, create political campaigns and target people strategically.  I believe that the film spurs an ongoing conversation for the hot topic about US elections-facebook-Cambridge Analytica-Russia but at the same time it can also manipulate your view to look through the lense and the filters of the film in order to agree with the narrators.  -Stathis Kassios

Malthus and the growth stagnation between the dark ages and the industrial revolution

Malthusian forces were sufficiently strong and widespread to explain the economic stagnation from the dark ages to the industrial revolution. Read the full article HERE via voxeu.org

Tsunami of data could consume one fifth of global electricity by 2025

Tsunami of data could consume one fifth of global electricity by 2025. Billions of internet-connected devices could produce 3.5% of global emissions within 10 years and 14% by 2040, according to new research, reports Climate Home News Read the full article HERE  (via Guardian)

Euro Area Welcomes New Greek Government With a Budget Warning

''As an economist I strongly believe that even if the Greek government retains a 3.5% budget surplus until 2022 this will not directly relate to the sustainability of the public debt which has increased. Furthermore, the surplus means a new round of heavy taxation directly and indirectly. Brussels is pushing for the surplus to be maintained in order to calm creditors and global markets but people and the real economy will suffer.'' - Stathis Kassios Euro Area Welcomes New Greek Government With a Budget Warning. Read the full article HERE via Bloomberg