Digital Transformation and the 4th Industrial Revolution by Marina Alamanou
Hosting another article for the digital transformation and the 4th Industrial Revolution, by Marina Alamanou (regional partner at FasterCapital) who gave us permission to publish in our blog space. ''During my first month as a regional partner for the FasterCapital incubator, the most common question I have received from Greek founders around Europe has been the following: “Since FC is based in Dubai how can they help me while I am based in Europe”? While my answer is that “FC is a virtual incubator”, I find myself explaining to them what it means to belong to a “virtual community living in the cloud”! Essentially a community of digital associations, interconnections and new emerging associations of people and businesses all distributed globally and crossing straight through traditional geographical, cultural and political boundaries. So, enter the 4th industrial revolution, an era that is going to be characterized by a fusion of technologies blurring the lines between the...