
Προβολή αναρτήσεων από Φεβρουάριος, 2017

Reduce Greece's pension burden

This article by The Economist for Brazil's pensioners made me thinking about the future of Greece's economy. Take a look at the featured graph in the article only to notice that Greece's government is spending close to 15% (!) of its GDP for pension benefits, among OECD members. If Brazil - an export driven country - could soon face budgetary problems with continuing its current generous pension scheme, imagine the fiscal deadend of a small country & economy like Greece especially when new austerity measures are on the table of negotiations with Greece's creditors. To read the full article, go here: http://www.economist.com/news/americas/21717413-president-has-chance-pass-reform-will-stop-brazil-going-bust-reducing-brazils

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