
Προβολή αναρτήσεων από 2017

My personal predictions for 2018 - tech & business trends in a globally connected world

It is this time of the year again to share my personal thoughts & predictions for how the world will change more in the new year with all the tech, business & economic developments taking place around the globe. Do you feel the world is a smaller place with all the direct global communications and consumption of media content? As we are bombarded daily with massive information through social media platforms, subconscious confusion is lurking in our rational thinking and we crush in  perception walls of not understanding the events or the international forces that affect and shape our lives as economic entities & citizens. These global powers are aggressively shaping urbanization and the future which is now. What a year for Bitcoin. There will be more excitement for cryptocurrencies as some financial institutions are starting to see opportunities where other bankers or governments see a growing threat for traditional currencies, trade and exchanges. History teaches us

Assorted links - December 2017

Closing 2017 with some articles I found interesting to share with you. Preparing my annual predictions for tech and business trends in the new year which I will publish in the blog soon. In the meantime, enjoy some good intellectual pieces - and one artistic surprise beneath - while waiting for your X-mas family dinner. Bitcoin & Bubbles Saudi Arabia's Newest Citizen Is a Robot Moovit Is On A Mission To Speed Up The Bus Ride For Commuters Worldwide A robot can print this $64,000 house in as few as 8 hours — take a look inside Ten trends redefining enterprise IT infrastructure Blockchains don’t scale. Not today, at least. But there’s hope. Merry Christmas! S.

What caused the Great Depression?

The following excerpt is from a paper on macroeconomics by Emi Nakamura and Jon Steinsson, Columbia University October 25, 2017: ''throughout the period between early 1930 and March 1933, the Fed failed to act and instead allowed the money supply to fall by large amounts and allowed a substantial fraction of the banking system to fail. Eichengreen (1992) argues that an important reason why the Fed did not act was that it felt constrained by the gold standard. The idea is that effective action almost surely would have been inconsistent with remaining on the gold standard and those that favored remaining on the gold standard prevailed until Roosevelt took office. One of President Roosevelt’s first policy actions was to take the US off the gold standard in April 1933. Industrial production immediately sky-rocketed. The weakness of this observation is that the Roosevelt administration, of course, changed a number of polices.'' Greece's economy is going throug

Assorted links - October 2017

Technological predictions by Ray Kurzweil AI Enters University. Your Move Humans! Corporate Web & Mobile Development Why the World Is (Still) Better Than You Think—New Evidence For Abundance Do tight labor markets cause inflation? New Mobility World 2017 — Nir Erez Speaking on the Moovit Future Of Mobility Urban commercial transport and the future of mobility Bitcoin is making banks nervous. Here's why Why Does Sweden Have So Many Start-Ups? Inside the World of the 'Bitcoin Carnivores' Yours truly Stathis Kassios www.skassios.com

Greece's Dark Matter

Judging from the title of my new blog publication you will probably assume that you will further read about the universe's mysteries, black holes, dark matter, etc. Far from that...the universe obeys to discovered and yet undiscovered laws of physics and the cosmos. Economies too are driven by the laws of economics which politicians do not consider as having the same weight and impact upon the markets and the lives of the people they govern. Won't keep you in anxiety more. The inspiration of this new blog entry title comes from recently reading an interesting interview by Ricardo Hausmann who has spent many years of his life researching & consulting on what went wrong with the economy of Venezuela. Every country is different although the factors that help an economy grow or fade into recession follow similar patterns. Think for a moment about the current situation in Greece. I believe there is a dark matter which works against all hopes of revival. First of all,

Assorted links - August 2017

Been some time since last entry but hey, we managed to provide you with the best business links for your summer pleasure. Read (se*) on the beach! The effect of cyberwars in the global economy http://www.darkreading.com/cloud/catastrophic-cloud-attack-costs-would-rival-that-of-hurricane-damages/d/d-id/1329398 Ecommerce trends http://www.netimperative.com/2017/07/ecommerce-trends-many-faces-connected-customer/ India’s online fashion market is estimated to touch $12-14 billion by 2020 on the back of smartphone penetration, better logistics infrastructure and evolved shoppers http://www.livemint.com/Companies/jZANIJZtdXHpMo2rP2XOxJ/Pernias-PopUp-Shop-in-talks-for-first-funding-round.html How global markets would react to a nuclear war? http://marginalrevolution.com/marginalrevolution/2017/08/can-short-apocalypse.html Moovit Gets Travelers with Restricted Mobility the Most Comprehensive Wheelchair Access Routes http://www.masstransitmag.com/press_release/12356433/moov

Becoming Steve Jobs. Becoming Portugal.

Currently reading: Becoming Steve Jobs: The Evolution of a Reckless Upstart into a Visionary Leader Steve Jobs is the man who undoubtedly revolutionized the computer and mobile industry. Worth reading this book as the Hollywood films directed do not grasp his innovative persona. Meanwhile in #Portugal : ''The European Commission said that Portugal was no longer subject to its measures for managing excessive debt, because the country's budget deficit fell to 2% of GDP last year, well below the ceiling of 3% set in the EU's stability and growth pact. Portugal exited its bail-out programme in 2014 - by The Economist  #Greece should learn from Portugal. #not #failedstate

Assorted links

Hello friends, find below some of the stuff I have been reading lately. Your comments are welcome. Bitcoin is evolving, national brands are turning into global brands, traditional marketing is already dead. Don't forget to register your Trademark for business operations across EU. Last but not least, data is the new oil...+free widget for your website +social media creating attention deficits Lets get this straight, Bitcoin is an experiment in self-organizing collective intelligence The world’s most valuable brands in 2017 The traditional marketing funnel no longer exists - It has been replaced by 3S Why you should get a trademark registration to operate in the EU market. Contact me (skassios@gmail.com) for an introduction to Innovires legal office. Data is giving rise to a new economy Free Moovit Widget so your customers navigate smoothly to your office The Age of Notifications and Attention-Deficits  

Assorted links

Mesonista - Fashion PR Agency based in New York. Contact me if you are a designer and looking to expand your brand in the US market Crowdsourcing is Just the Ticket to Exponentially Grow Your Business Douglas Coupland: 'The nine to five is barbaric' eBay entering the Greek market to help small producers export globally 10 Things You Need to Learn From Apple's Marketing Urban productivity facts in the developing world Analysts Predict the YouTube Advertiser Boycott Will Cost Google $750 Million The largest internet company in 2030? This prediction will probably surprise you Top apps for travelling on a budget - including Moovit! Corporate tax in Bulgaria - contact me for an introduction to Innovires

EasyJet Traveller: Tips to Athens business travellers

If you’re flying with  easyJet   this month, grab yourself a copy of Traveller magazine (4 million readers globally!) featuring my interview with personal tips to Athens business travellers. Pages 109-110. Link:  http://bit.ly/2mNn85t

Reduce Greece's pension burden

This article by The Economist for Brazil's pensioners made me thinking about the future of Greece's economy. Take a look at the featured graph in the article only to notice that Greece's government is spending close to 15% (!) of its GDP for pension benefits, among OECD members. If Brazil - an export driven country - could soon face budgetary problems with continuing its current generous pension scheme, imagine the fiscal deadend of a small country & economy like Greece especially when new austerity measures are on the table of negotiations with Greece's creditors. To read the full article, go here: http://www.economist.com/news/americas/21717413-president-has-chance-pass-reform-will-stop-brazil-going-bust-reducing-brazils

Assorted links

moovit newsletter January 2017: http://us3.campaign-archive1.com/?u=c24727311fc31f651cff01770&id=2decc8dda6 traders out, computer engineers in: https://www.technologyreview.com/s/603431/as-goldman-embraces-automation-even-the-masters-of-the-universe-are-threatened/ innovires legal & consulting business office: https://www.facebook.com/innovires/ a nice interview with economist Gita Gopinath for world trade, currency wars, etc. https://www.mpls.frb.org/publications/the-region/interview-with-gita-gopinath 5 reasons why Greek businesses should move to a paperless – digital office: https://sevdesk.gr/blog/paperless-office-greece/ SaaS startup phenomenon globally: http://buff.ly/2hx5DT5 what is entrepreneurship?: http://www.domeniconicolo.it/2017/01/04/transforming-the-potential-value-of-goods-services-and-locations-real-value-added/ vc backed us companies: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10210401845234556&set=a.2137724174767.2116328.1596004607&type=3

Benefits of a paperless office

My latest article for  sevDesk.gr :  Benefits of a paperless office for Greek business owners Share your thoughts! SK